Travels with Young People



Traveling With the Grandchildren



This was a great year for the grandchildren and their Grandmother Ahouse! They all, six, got one on one time. Each trip is designed for the child and grandma. Some we went away and some home based. Day trips are lots of fun or a special dinner.

Here are some of the thoughts I have for your next sojourn with a child. First ask the child what he or she would like to do. If not doable, suggest back something similar. The age is a big factor. But in general I would keep it to two to four nights. Make sure there is time for you. I always add a very nice dining experience. For the child to learn and me to enjoy. Remember it is not important what they eat, just they learn how to use a napkin. And it is amazing what they will try with a little encouragement. The nine year old had raw oysters and the eight year old had fried haddock both for the first time.

The sojourn together needs to have fun and learning parts. I most often include a museum or historical sight. The hotel is best if it has a pool and restaurant. Some afternoons they still have lots of energy or some nights it is just to tiring to go out, and an in-house early night dinner is best.

So what did we do this year? From the youngest… Whale watching in Provincetown, Peabody Essex Museum and witches in Salem, Amtrak train to Vancouver and Capilano Suspension Bridges, a steak dinner out, JFK library and the best lobster roll and a few nights in beautiful Charleston with historical homes and tours.

Where would you like to take a child?



Harriet H. Ahouse | Independent Travel Advisor
Vista Travel | a Direct Travel company
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